B2B Outbound Marketing: eBlast, Direct Mail, ACTION!

Now that inbound marketing is all the rage, it’s important not to lose sight of B2B outbound marketing and its various advantages. Outbound is PROACTIVE. You manage the action, and you control the pursuit of leads. Outbound marketing tactics are also direct and highly focused. They deliver your powerful brand message the way you want it delivered…with no third party interpretation.

Despite popular belief, the internet has expanded B2B outbound marketing media options, not replaced them. In fact, most B2B tech marketing tactics are outbound using both digital and traditional media. On the traditional side, think trade shows, direct mail, public relations and trade media advertising. On the digital side, think eblasts, video advertisements and social media.

Your B2B tech marketing should serve two main functions—to attract buyers and build brand preference. Your marketing tactics should do both. 

Outbound Takes Action

Don’t hold back. If you have it, flaunt it. What could be more fun than imaginatively telling your brand story through ebasts and direct mail, and your market wanting to hear it? No matter how many ways or how many times you present it, your brand is helping buyers. You’re providing a solution to their problem. 

From a marcom perspective, it’s a thrill when buyers fill your trade show booth because they want to know more about your latest innovations. It’s a thrill when the publications want to print your news, and as a byproduct, extend your reach. And it’s an even bigger thrill when you get a new customer that finds genuine value in what you’re providing. 

A Little Bit of Both

Integration of inbound and outbound is ultimately the key to marketing success. Blogging, for example, is a great digital inbound technique. Here is where your brand demonstrates its value through informative posts, videos, and animatics. These tools attract buyers who are searching for information and can nurture your current prospects with new, useful ideas.

Social media is another powerful tactic, and it is a combination of outbound and inbound. It is outbound in the sense that you are proactively pushing your message to your audience. But at the same time, your audience comes to you through hashtags and other SEO benefits. It is also a fast and low-cost way to actively “keep in touch” with a broad audience. Being active on Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook can help advance your brand into a leadership position. Your audience wants to know more about your brand, so provide it.

You are the authority. Be tactful with your inbound and take action with your B2B outbound marketing. Go for it.

All marketing tactics should be thought of as part of a larger whole, rather than separate pieces. By strategically integrating all marketing tactics, the marketing programs become more effective and cost efficient. As a B2B agency, we developed B2B 360 Integrated Digital Marketing to meet this improved performance need. To learn more about B2B 360 and how it will benefit your business, download our free eBook: B2B Top-Tier Tech Marketing.

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