Generate More Leads from Your Landing Pages

Effective landing pages are essential to moving visitors through the conversion funnel and helping to generate valuable leads. When building your landing pages, it’s important to keep best practices in mind. However, just because something is a best practice doesn’t necessarily mean it is the best choice for you.

With landing pages, it’s critical to continually test different options to see which gives you the best results. Below are the top 8 best landing page practices to help you start generating more leads.

#1 Lose the Navigation Links

Leaving the site’s navigation options at the top of your page can serve as a distraction for your visitors. It pulls their attention away from the offer and prevents them from filling out your form. Removing navigation links from your landing pages can significantly increase conversion rates. While this best practice has been proven to be very successful in raising conversion rates, only a small number of landing pages actually take advantage of this strategy.

#2 Include Videos and Images

Videos and images can help make it quicker and easier for viewers to understand and digest the value of your offer. These images can be something as simple as a quick screenshot of your download offer, such as the cover, or a short video about its benefits. Be sure all of the images and videos used on your landing pages are relevant to your offer in order to help increase form fills.

#3 Utilize Social Proof

People like knowing that someone else previously had a positive experience and found value in an offer. Today’s consumers are more likely to make purchases from sites that contain positive ratings and reviews of products and services. With this in mind, sharing positive validations on your landing pages act as powerful motivators and help to humanize the experience.

Try testing some of these forms of social proof:

  • Quotes
  • Embedded social media posts
  • Testimonials

#4 Button Colors Can Make a Difference

Button colors can have a large effect on the conversion rate of your forms. In a recent HubSpot study, designers tested the conversion rate difference between a red button and a green button. They hypothesized that the difference would be small, but, in the end, the red button had outperformed the green by an amazing 21%. Luckily, this is something you can easily change and experiment with. Try setting up A/B test pages to see which colors work best for your buttons.

#5 Use Enticing Button Copy

Experimenting with button wording can have just as large of an impact as changing the button’s color. Small changes in language can yield a big impact on improving your conversion rates. Try not to use buttons that just say “Submit” when there are infinitely better options. Use wording such as “Download your ebook” or “Get Started Now” so visitors know exactly what to expect upon submitting the form. With a better description, your visitors will be more likely to download your offer.

#6 Pay Attention to the Fold

Does it matter if your landing page content and form are above or below the fold? Will users be willing to scroll down for more information? Or should everything be visible when they first open the page?

People tend to think a shorter landing page makes it easier for users to digest. But it’s more important to make sure you include enough information to allow the reader to fully understand the value of the offer. A compelling offer with enough information to explain its value is much more important than page length. Additionally, if your form currently resides below your content, try moving it to the left or right side to pull it up higher on the page.

#7 Ideal Form Length

Finding the ideal form length is tough. You want to make sure the form is short enough that potential leads are willing to fill it out. However, you also want to make sure it’s long enough for you to get all of the information you need. Base your form length off of how valuable the offer is to your visitor. A case study download, for example, could contain fields for First Name, Last Name, Email and Job Title. Whereas a form to sign up for a Lunch and Learn could require additional information from the visitor because it is a more valuable offer.

#8 Be Sure to Follow Up

When a visitor fills out a form on your website it is a great opportunity to provide them with more information and continue to guide them through the conversion funnel. After a form is completed there should always be some sort of follow-up action. This could include one or all of the following:

  • Redirecting to a Thank You page
  • Sending a Thank You email
  • Making a phone call

These follow-ups give you the opportunity to place additional calls to action in front of your already interested visitor and help with generating sales leads. Test your follow-up actions to see which yield the best results.

Have you found anything else that helps increase B2B landing page conversions? Let us know.

All marketing tactics should be thought of as part of a larger whole, rather than separate pieces. By strategically integrating all marketing tactics, the marketing program becomes more effective and cost efficient. As a B2B agency, we developed B2B 360 Integrated Digital Marketing to meet this improved performance need. To learn more about B2B 360 and how it will benefit your business, download our free eBook: The Better Path to Top-Tier Tech Marketing.

995_kateKate Smith is a graphic designer at Schubert b2b. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication Design from Kutztown University. When not in the office, she enjoys snowboarding, eating cauliflower, and staying up to the wee hours of the morning playing Destiny.

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