Why You Need to Focus on B2B Animation in 2018

There’s no doubt that the majority of consumers prefer video to written content. The numbers speak for themselves:

Video is a crucial tool for any business looking to strengthen its brand and reach more of its target audience. But it’s not enough. To effectively reach your audience, you need to also create compelling, engaging B2B animation.

Why B2B Animation?

I know what you’re thinking. If videos are so popular, why not create a marketing video instead of an animation?

While videos are an effective way to improve brand awareness, there are only so many hours in a day to watch them. Your customers are busy. They can be highly selective when choosing what videos to watch.

For this reason, B2B companies need to get creative if they want their message heard. This is where B2B animation comes in.

It gets you noticed.

Animated videos stand out in a sea of boring explainer videos and “talking head” videos. They’re engaging. They captivate your audience and resonate with them on an emotional level.

Think about it this way: Would you rather watch a CEO discussing how to use an HVAC system or a cute animation of a hedgehog showing you how to use the same HVAC system? I don’t know about you, but I’d choose the hedgehog any day.

It makes customers feel all warm and fuzzy.

Animation can remind viewers of cartoons and evoke feelings of nostalgia. Nostalgia marketing has proven to be a successful tactic time and time again. Everywhere you look, brands are resurrecting childhood memories to introduce new products and promotions—Harry Potter, Pokémon, Star Wars, to name a few.

The same technique can be applied to your B2B marketing. For all you know, B2B animation may just be the emotional hook you need to reel in more customers.

It’s one of the most versatile marketing tactics.

B2B animation is a highly versatile medium. Your animated video can feature your product line. Bring your brand identity to life. Offer a solution to a customer’s challenge. Or explain complex ideas or technical concepts in just a few minutes. The possibilities are virtually endless.

How to Create Successful B2B Animations

Now that you know the benefits of adding animation to your marketing mix, let’s explore ways you can create successful B2B animated videos.

 1. Tell a story.

Stories spark interest. They motivate consumers to take action and start a conversation with your brand. They set the stage for long-lasting, trusted relationships with your customers.

Before you create a B2B animation, make sure you have a story to tell. For the most effective storytelling, focus on your customers, their interests and pain points. Keep viewers engaged and interested by showing them how your product or service directly addresses their needs and challenges.

For example, we created an animated video for our client Sensaphone, a provider of remote environmental monitoring systems and early detection products. In the animation, we show how Sensaphone’s remote monitoring systems help water and wastewater treatment facilities avoid costly pump downtime.

The animation offers a clear solution to their customers’ pain points. Check it out below:

Water/Wastewater Remote Monitoring | Sensaphone from Schubert b2b on Vimeo.

2. Keep it simple.

Make sure your animated videos deliver a clear message in a simple way. Packing your video with tons of information and statistics may confuse or overwhelm viewers.

Instead, only focus on the need-to-know information—the critical insights that matter most to your audience. If the video includes any graphs or charts, guide the viewer through them with a voice-over. It’s also a good idea to remove any technical jargon that could cloud your message. Before you add any technical terms or acronyms, ask yourself this: “Will potential customers know what this means?” If the answer is no or you’re not sure, it’s best to leave it out or explain its meaning. The last thing you want is for your video to leave your audience feeling confused.

 3. Get to the point quickly.

The shorter the video, the better. The goal of your animated video should be to communicate your message as quickly and effectively as possible while, of course, entertaining your audience. We live in an era of short attention spans. If your video is too long, you risk boring or disengaging viewers. And they will never hear your main message if they stop watching the video halfway through.

The optimal length for your video will depend on the topic and your industry. If you’re struggling to fit everything you want to say in a video that’s less than 3 minutes, consider making multiple videos rather than one. You could even include a message at the end of the first video letting your viewers know to watch (or stay tuned for) Part 2. If you share valuable and useful information in Part 1, your audience will be more likely to watch Part 2. Plus, it provides more value to your audience and keeps them engaged.

Well, there you have it. If you want to improve the success of your B2B digital marketing, animation is clearly the way to go. Use these tips to get off to a good start and let our experts know if you need help hitting the ground running.

In B2B tech marketing, tactics should be thought of as part of a larger whole, rather than separate pieces. By strategically integrating new and traditional marketing tactics, your marketing program become more effective and cost efficient. To learn more about how you can increase your lead generation and overall marketing, download our free eBook: Modern Integrated Digital Marketing—A Better Path for B2B Technology Marketers.

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