Schubert B2B Names Public Relations Executive

goetzphotoDOWNINGTOWN, Pa., July 14, 2014  Schubert b2b, a top-tier technology marketing agency, hired Lisa Goetz as a public relations executive.

In this role, Goetz is responsible for writing content, managing media relations and implementing social media outreach for technology-based B2B clients. She also contributes to integrated marketing communications programs for Schubert b2b’s clients and to the agency’s own public relations efforts.

“Developing and promoting original content is key to building B2B brand leaders,” said Rich Carango, president of Schubert b2b. “Lisa is complementing our team of B2B strategists by providing solid written materials and leveraging them to our clients’ benefit.”

Previously, Goetz was the editor of the Monitor, a B2B trade journal in the equipment finance space published by Xander Media Group. She also served as communications director for the Allegheny County Medical Society, a professional association for physicians in western Pennsylvania.

She graduated from Duquesne University with a Ph.D. in English literature and the University of Pittsburgh with a master’s degree in English literature and a bachelor’s degree in nonfiction writing.

Schubert b2b Schubert b2b is Philadelphia’s B2B digital marketing agency that unites the lead-generating power of inbound marketing with the brand-building power of outbound marketing. Schubert b2b develops 100% strategic business-to-business marketing programs that generate leads and grow revenue. For 37 years, Schubert has been creating B2B brand leaders in technology-rich industries as diverse as biotech, chemicals and computer software using integrated marketing communications (IMC) programs. Schubert is a member of ICOM, a global network of marketing communications agencies.

Schubert b2b