Schubert b2b Selected to Host ICOM North American Conference Based on 36 Years B2B Experience

logo-2013-icom-network-largeDOWNINGTOWN, Pa., September 18, 2014 – Schubert b2b, a top-tier B2B technology marketing agency, served as a host of the North America regional conference of the International Communications Agency Network (ICOM) in Philadelphia. The event focused on challenges, trends and the future of advertising.

ICOM is the leading international network of independent advertising agencies spanning more than 65 countries. ICOM agencies work globally to leverage creative and marketing resources, information and staffing.

Schubert b2b was selected as a leader at this annual meeting of industry professionals based on its 36 years of experience working directly with B2B leaders in identifying marketing strategies, tactics and technologies. Agencies from across the U.S., Canada and Mexico participated in this year’s conference.

Rich Carango, president of Schubert b2b said, “We consider this event to be an annual ‘meeting of the minds,’ bringing together some of the brightest creative marketing folks in North America. We put together an itinerary focused on practical and actionable strategies, so that all attendees are able to take away some great ideas that they can put to use immediately.”

This annual regional Americas meeting was created in collaboration with the ICOM Network to connect independent agency partners to equip them with the knowledge and skills needed to keep pace with and embrace the constant changes in the marketing and communications industry. ICOM member agencies from around the world also connect annually at an international meeting – most recently in Athens, Greece.

Keynote speaker Tim Williams, founder of Ignition Consulting Group based in Salt Lake City, Utah, discussed “How to Thrive in the Post-AOR World.”  Other topics presented by ICOM partners included:

  • How to Digitally Market Your Agency (Mark O’Brien, CEO, Newfangled, North Carolina);
  • The Future of Television (Marcien Jenckes, senior executive, Comcast, Philadelphia);
  • How to Recruit, Train and Retain Tomorrow’s Staff (Ginger Kochmer, division director, The Creative Group, Philadelphia);
  • Privacy and Data Protection (Paul Bond, Reed Smith Philadelphia);
  • Audience Targeting in Digital Media (Sam Swaminathan, CEO, Revenue Mantra, New Jersey);
  • Curve Jump, a Customer Experience Practice (Glen Drummond, chief innovation officer, Quarry, Canada); and
  • A Shift to Total Marketing (Linda Gonzalez, Viva Partnership, Texas).

“ICOM gives member agencies access to international partnerships, which allows independent agencies to compete with local services while providing global brand strategies. The ICOM NAR Conference is a signature event for gathering, learning and networking among ICOM partners to discuss the best practices and demands of the industry,” said Tim Cifelli, president and COO of DDCworks, co-host of the conference.

Schubert b2b Schubert b2b is Philadelphia’s B2B digital marketing agency that unites the lead-generating power of inbound marketing with the brand-building power of outbound marketing. Schubert b2b develops 100% strategic business-to-business marketing programs that generate leads and grow revenue. For 37 years, Schubert has been creating B2B brand leaders in technology-rich industries as diverse as biotech, chemicals and computer software using integrated marketing communications (IMC) programs. Schubert is a member of ICOM, a global network of marketing communications agencies.

Schubert b2b