Why Should You Develop a Google Data Retention Strategy?

B2B digital marketers rely on large amounts of data from Google Analytics to make strategic decisions about their customers and understand their website traffic.

By using data from Google Analytics, B2B marketers can see how visitors interact with their website. They can determine which pages visitors landed on, how long they stayed and the original traffic source.

However, this data now has a short retention lifecycle (the period in which data is stored). This short data lifecycle makes it hard to track year-over-year analytics —a key part of reporting for many marketers. After July 1, 2024, long-term data from Google Analytics will no longer be available. To prepare for this change, you should export your data and set up a retention strategy to store long-term data.

What Is a Data Retention Strategy?

A data retention strategy involves determining how to collect, store and archive data. By developing this strategy, you can figure out how to store data in the long term without using Google Analytics.

Database storage options are expensive, especially as you use them to store more data. So, use a data export and retention strategy to identify valuable data. You can then dispose of outdated information, saving money on storage. Plus, a retention strategy helps you define and store valuable data that can influence your marketing decisions.

Get Started With Data Retention

By defining your data export procedures, you can improve the quality of your data analysis. A solid data retention strategy can help you use Google Analytics data in the long term, using it to shape your B2B digital marketing strategies.

Questions on where to start? Our B2B experts would be glad to help out!

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