4 Keys To Successfully Spread Your B2B Marketing Message

The most effective and cost-efficient B2B marketing program is based in an integrated strategy in which all of your tactics seamlessly work together to capture the attention of your buyers. That same integrated approach is also important when determining how to disseminate your marketing messaging and content.

In fact, CEOs and PR experts responding to a recent global communications survey agree that the most effective content distribution strategy combines paid, earned, shared and owned media. This is known as the PESO model. For B2B marketing this plan might include:

  • Paid media: Print and digital advertising; sponsored written and video content pieces
  • Earned media: Articles and press releases that trade publication editors agree to publish
  • Shared media: Social media
  • Owned media: Original content that’s posted a company’s website and blog.

Paid and Earned Media

In B2B marketing, it’s important to focus on trade publications for your paid and earned content. That’s because these journals are highly specialized and speak directly to your target customer demographic. Both earned and paid content – in the form of articles, infographics, white papers, etc. – give you the opportunity to showcase your industry expertise. Make sure to create your paid content with the same editorial integrity that you would apply when crafting an earned piece.

Shared Media

When sharing your news and content on your social media platforms, it’s important to keep your overriding marketing message in mind. Focus posts on your followers and provide solutions to their challenges. Then provide a link to a piece of relevant content on your website.

If a follower or trade publication shares your content on its social accounts, jump in and engage with those posts. Share the mention on your social media platforms and thank them—using the appropriate social handles and hashtags—for mentioning your content.

Monitor your posts to see if any followers comment or share. Then, engage with your audience. When you are mentioned, interact with these social peers. People want to connect with people, even in B2B. Humanize your content and make it obvious that a person is behind the posts while staying true to your brand identity and messaging platform.

Owned Media

When posting content on your website, again an integrated approach is the most effective. That means allowing open access to some of the pieces and requiring people to fill out a form before being able to download others.

Both open access and gating have advantages. With gated content, you gain valuable contact information you can use to improve your B2B content marketing strategy. With non-gated content, more people view and share your content.

Pulling It All Together

All four of the PESO channels give you the opportunity to build awareness of your brand, demonstrate your industry knowledge and thought leadership and reach your audience. Like your overall marketing strategy, these distribution tactics should work in concert as a unified plan with a consistent objective and messaging. The result is establishing a relationship that connects your company and brand with your customers and prospects.

In B2B tech marketing, tactics should be thought of as part of a larger whole, rather than separate pieces. By strategically integrating new and traditional marketing tactics, your marketing program become more effective and cost efficient. To learn more about how you can increase your lead generation and overall marketing, download our free eBook: Modern Integrated Digital Marketing—A Better Path for B2B Technology Marketers.

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